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      2. 婚禮英語司儀致辭

        時間:2020-12-06 15:15:44 致辭 我要投稿




          致歡迎辭(Welcome Speech):

          女士們、先生們Ladies and Gentlemen:

          春天是一個放飛希望的季節,冰雪融化,萬物復蘇,不知細葉誰裁出,二月春風似剪刀, Spring is the season of hope, a flying snow melt, blooms, don't know fine leaf who cut out, the shears-like breeze like scissors

          在這美好的日子里,在這溫馨浪漫的時光, 我們歡聚一堂,寒冷的冬天過去之后,我們迎來了左權先生和徐苗小姐的婚禮In this beautiful days, in this romantic moments, We gathered,and welcoming the wedding of Mr.Zuoquan and Miss Xumiao


          Let's use the warm applause welcome Mr. And XuMiao ZuoQuan miss admission


          This is a romantic season


          The groom and bride have a warm and pleasant love sweet dream


          This is a fascinating moment


          The groom, the bride began a happy warm love spring

          因為特別所以才會甜美Because special so would sweet

          在這玫瑰色的世界里 In this world of rosy

          為了這季節  For this season

          鮮花含笑更美 More beautiful flowers smiling

          為了這一時刻For ther moment

          寂寞孤獨悄然離去  Lonely lonely slipped away

          因為你的到來Since your arrival

          充實歡樂驟然而至Eich joy suddenly crept up

          愿你們互相珍惜,同心永結 May you cherish each other and together forever "

          用幽深的明眸去讀無垠,高原,青春的天With deep eyes to read, the plate

          au, the youth day 用輕盈的腳步去趟綠美麗生活的芳草園

          With lightsome pace of life going to green beautiful fragrant garden


          Waves with monarch of the heroic life on the road to combat troubles

          用深沉的愛去溫馨父母夕陽般的暮年With the deep love of the parents to warm the old


          Wish you share the love, runners holding storms, grow old together

          祝你們青春美麗,人生美麗,生命無憾 Wish you young and beautiful life beautiful, life partie

          在我們中華民族 流傳著這樣一句話 In our Chinese nation there is a word

          :父之情 母之心 Father, mother, the feeling of heart父母恩情比海深 飲水思源不忘本Parents kindness than the sea water siyuan not forggestting deep 可敬天下父母心Honorable heart all the parents

          所以有請兩位新人父母入場So please welcome two rookie parents admission 看這幾位老人Look at this a few old man 他們一直用一種特殊的眼光注視著新郎 新娘They have been

          using a special kind of eye staring at the bride and bridegroom 在他們的眼光里 In their eyes有心酸 有喜悅 有寄托 有希望There are hopes in the bitterness has hope 還有幾分叮嚀and a few minutes reminds

          今天在這個特殊的場合Today in this special occasion 我想新郎新娘一定有千言萬語 對自己的父母抒發 又有很多的感慨要對他們表達I think the bride and groom must have a thousand words to his own parents express had so many regrets expressed to them  新郎今后的成就就是對父母雙親最好的報答Groom future achievement is the best repay to parents

          正式儀式?)(official ceremony)

          所以新郎新娘請聽真,So really, the bride and groom please listen me

          水有源,樹有根,兒女不忘養育恩,water, tree has root, active children don't forget parenting grace, 今朝結婚成家業,尊老敬賢白發雙親now married into JingXian possessions, aged parents

          ,接下來是拜高堂,父母雙親,一鞠躬,感謝養育之恩,再鞠躬,感謝撫養成人,三鞠躬,永遠孝敬老人!Then we show our respect to our parents First  bow, thank you for support, again, thank adulthood bowed three bows, always respect and support the old!


          Good next to a couple, two new worship to the right and to the left turn, a bow, thank you choose me, bow again three bows wanted.now, eternal love, tie the knot!

          下面讓我們舉起酒杯,為這對新人祝福!, Let's raise glasses, for the couple wishes!


          Then finally there? We wish all of my friends all guests family happiness, happy life, healthy body, all the luck!



          hello, greetings from australia. i would like to start by thanking you all for allowing lisa, yan and me to share in this

          wonderful family celebration. congratulations to david and zi fan for pledging not only their affection for each other but also their trust and respect. we wish them both, every happiness for a long and fruitful life as husband and wife.

          先生們,女士們,中午好,我想首先感謝你們讓我的太太麗莎,兒子燕以及我本人一起來分享這個盛大的婚禮慶典。 祝賀樊慰先生和資帆小姐今天新婚大喜,這個時刻不僅是他們對雙方感情的一份承諾,更是一種彼此間信任和尊重的一份承諾。讓我們祝福他們永遠快樂,白頭到老。

          i bring also the best wishes from all of david’s work mates in australia. in the short time, he has worked with us david has earned the respect and admiration of everyone in our company. he can always be relied upon to give his best effort, support others who need assistance and provide good counsel. these also happen to be

          characteristics of a good husband.


          i had the privilege of meeting david’s parents last year on a short visit to china. i was overwhelmed by their generosity and how welcome they made me feel in their home. it was wonderful to meet the

          source of david’s strength, intelligence, compassion and good nature. as david’s employer, i congratulate and thank his parents for producing such a good man. i feel almost as lucky as zi fan.

          我有幸去年來到中國拜訪了樊慰的父母。短暫的訪問,我深深的感受到了來自這個家庭的熱情好客。 同時也讓我了解到了只有這樣的家庭,才讓樊慰擁有了聰明好學,自強自立,慈悲善良的`優秀品質。做為他的老板,我想借這個機會感謝樊慰的父母,培養了這么優秀的男人。同時,我也感到非常幸運的是能夠有資帆小姐與他組成一個新的家庭。

          i have not previously met zi fan’s parents but i know they must be very proud. their daughter is not only beautiful in presence but also in spirit. during her visit to australia, lisa and i saw how easily david could fall for this young woman. we saw zi fan as a confident, respectful, caring and supportive woman deserving of david’s friendship, trust and love.

          雖然我在今天之前還沒有遇到過資帆的父母,但是我知道他們肯定為這樣一個女兒而感到自豪。 他們的女兒不但擁有漂亮的外表, 而且擁有一顆美麗的心靈。 在她訪問澳大利亞期間,我和我的太太很容易的就發現了為什么我們的樊慰如此的深愛這位年輕的女士。 因為她是一個如此的自信和值得尊重的人,她對樊慰一如既往的關心和支持贏得了相互的信任和愛。

          in preparation to attend this wedding celebration, i tried to

          research the chinese customs for such an event. i learnt that customs vary by region and province. common among all is the importance of family. so it is in australia. when david and zi fan return to australia lisa and i will try to represent you, their family and friends. we will keep a caring eye upon them. in australia, soon after the wedding and unendingly, family ask of the newly weds,



          hello, greetings from australia. i would like to start by thanking you all for allowing lisa, yan and me to share in this wonderful family celebration. congratulations to david and zi fan for pledging not only their affection for each other but also their trust and respect. we wish them both, every happiness for a long and fruitful life as husband and wife.

          先生們,女士們,中午好,我想首先感謝你們讓我的太太麗莎,兒子燕以及我本人一起來分享這個盛大的婚禮慶典。 祝賀樊慰先生和資帆小姐今天新婚大喜,這個時刻不僅是他們對雙方感情的一份承諾,更是一種彼此間信任和尊重的一份承諾。讓我們祝福他們永遠快樂,白頭到老。


          我有幸去年來到中國拜訪了樊慰的父母。短暫的訪問,我深深的感受到了來自這個家庭的熱情好客。 同時也讓我了解到了只有這樣的家庭,才讓樊慰擁有了聰明好學,自強自立,慈悲善良的優秀品質。做為他的老板,我想借這個機會感謝樊慰的父母,培養了這么優秀的男人。同時,我也感到非常幸運的是能夠有資帆小姐與他組成一個新的家庭。

          i have not previously met zi fan’s parents but i know they must be very proud. their daughter is not only beautiful in presence but also in spirit. during her visit to australia, lisa and i saw how easily david could fall for this young woman. we saw zi fan as a confident, respectful, caring and supportive woman deserving of david’s friendship, trust and love.

          雖然我在今天之前還沒有遇到過資帆的父母,但是我知道他們肯定為這樣一個女兒而感到自豪。 他們的女兒不但擁有漂亮的外表, 而且擁有一顆美麗的心靈。 在她訪問澳大利亞期間,我和我的太太很容易的就發現了為什么我們的樊慰如此的深愛這位年輕的女士。 因為她是一個如此的自信和值得尊重的人,她對樊慰一如既往的關心和支持贏得了相互的信任和愛。












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