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      2. 英文的經典廣告語

        時間:2024-07-30 09:15:52 美云 廣告詞 我要投稿



          1、Just do it.跟著感覺走。(耐克運動鞋)

          2、The taste is great.(Nestle coffee)味道好極了。(雀巢咖啡)

          3、Ask for more.(Pepsi)渴望無限。(百事流行鞋)

          4、Pepsi: Generation next百事:新的一代

          5、Take time to indulge.盡情享受吧。ㄈ赋脖ち瑁

          6、The taste is great.味道好極了。(雀巢咖啡)

          7、Seven-up: fresh-up with Seven-up七喜:提神醒腦,喝七喜。

          8、Ask for more.渴望無限。(百事流行鞋)

          9、Obey your thirst.服從你的渴望。(雪碧)

          10、Olympus: focus on life奧林巴斯:瞄準生活。

          11、We lead,Others copy.我們領先,他人仿效。(理光復印機)

          12、Impossible made possible.使不可能變為可能。(佳能打印機)

          13、Nokia: connecting people諾基亞:科技以人為本。

          14、Take TOSHIBA, take the world.擁有東芝,擁有世界。(東芝電子)

          15、Intel Pentium: Intel Inside英特爾奔騰:給電腦一顆奔騰的“芯”。

          16、Apple/Macintosh: kids cant wait蘋果公司:不嘗不知道,蘋果真奇妙。

          17、Never Stop Thinking!(探索未來,永無止境!)英飛凌科技公司

          18、Feel the new space.感受新境界。(三星電子)

          19、The choice of a new generation.(Pepsi)新一代的選擇。(百事可樂)

          20、We integrate, you communicate.(Mitsubishi)我們集大成,您超越自我。(三菱電工)

          21、Lets make things better.(Philips)讓我們做得更好。(飛利浦電子)

          22、Fresh-up with seven-up.(Seven-up)提神醒腦喝七喜。(七喜)

          23、Connecting People.(Nokia)溝通無處不在。(諾基亞)

          24、A diamond lasts forever.(De Bierres)鉆石恒久遠,一顆永流傳。(第比爾斯)

          25、Intel inside.(Intel Pentium)給電腦一顆奔騰的“芯”。(英特爾)

          26、Focus on life.瞄準生活。(奧林巴斯相機)

          27、Good to the last drop.滴滴香濃,意猶未盡。(麥氏咖啡)

          28、A Kodak moment.就在柯達一刻。(柯達相紙/膠卷)

          29、Started Ahead.成功之路,從頭開始。(飄柔洗發水)

          30、Make yourself heard.理解就是溝通。(愛立信手機)

          31、Intelligence everywhere.智慧演繹,無處不在。(摩托羅拉手機)

          32、The choice of a new generation.新一代的選擇。(百事可樂)

          33、We integrate, you communicate.我們集大成,您超越自我。(三菱電工)

          34、The relentless pursuit of perfection.不懈追求完美。(凌志轎車)

          35、Poetry in motion, dancing close to me.動態的詩,向我舞近。(豐田汽車)

          36、Lets make things better.讓我們做得更好。(飛利浦電器)

          37、Good teeth, good health.牙齒好,身體就好。(高露潔牙膏)

          38、Cant beat the real thing.擋不住的誘惑。(可口可樂)

          39、Tides in, dirts out.汰漬到,污垢逃。(汰漬洗衣粉)

          40、Apple thinks different.蘋果電腦,不同凡“想”。(蘋果電腦)

          41、Not all cars are created equal.并非所有的汽車都有相同的品質。(三菱汽車)

          42、Anything is possible.沒有不可能的事。(東芝電器)

          43、Our wheels are always turning.我們的車輪常轉不停。(五十鈴汽車)

          44、The world smiles with Readers Digest. 《讀者文摘》給全世界帶來歡笑。(《讀者文摘》)

          45、Nobody is perfect.沒有一個人的身材是十全十美的。(苗條健身器材)

          46、The Globe brings you the world in a single copy.一冊在手,縱覽全球。(《環球》雜志)

          47、Live well, snack well.美好生活離不開香脆的餅干。(斯耐克威爾士餅干)

          48、Were the dot. in. com.我們就是網絡。(太陽微系統公司)

          49、No business too small, no problem too big.沒有不做的小生意,沒有解決不了的大問題。(IBM公司)

          50、Coca-cola: things go better with Coca-cola.可口可樂:飲可口可樂,萬事如意。

          51、Heineken: as natural as rain"--喜力廣告詞

          52、REMY MARTIN XO Exclusively Fine Champagne Cognac.(Remy Martin XO ad.)人頭馬一開,好事自然來

          53、Crest toothpaste: behind that healthy smile, theres a Crest kid.佳潔士牙膏:健康笑容來自佳潔士

          54、Levis: quality never goes out of style列維斯(牛仔服裝):質量與風格共存。

          55、Radar: mosquito bye bye bye雷達牌驅蟲劑:蚊子殺殺殺。

          56、OMEGA: the sign of excellence.歐米茄:凝聚典雅。

          57、Swatch: time is what you make of it.斯沃奇手表:天長地久

          58、Honda: for the road ahead本田:康莊大道

          59、Where there is a way for car there is a Toyota.(Toyota ad.)車到山前必有路,有路必有豐田車

          60、Audi: we cant forge ahead by sticking to existing roads.奧迪汽車:開拓進取,來源于勇于創新。

          61、Ford: Familiarity breeds contempt."親不敬,熟生厭。 Ford

          62、De Bierres: A diamond lasts forever.(第比爾斯)鉆石恒久遠,一顆永流傳。(珠寶公司)

          63、Come to where the flavour is. Marlboro Country.光臨風韻之境——萬寶路世界。(萬寶路香煙)

          64、Time is what you make of it.(Swatch)天長地久。(斯沃奇手表)

          65、Engineered to move the human spirit.(Mercedes-Benz)人類精神的動力。(梅塞德斯-奔馳)

          66、Communication unlimited.(Motorola)溝通無極限。(摩托羅拉)

          67、Feast your eyes.(Pond’s Cucumber Eye Treatment)滋潤心靈的窗戶。(龐氏眼貼片)

          68、Behind that healthy smile,there ’s a Crest kid.(Crest toothpaste)健康笑容來自佳潔士。(佳潔士牙膏)

          69、The new digital era.數碼新時代。(索尼影碟機)

          70、hsbc(匯豐銀行):the worlds local bank環球理財,當地智慧——你只能相信他了。

          71、carsberg(嘉士伯):probably the best beer in the world可能是世界上最好的啤酒——有實力所以有魅力。

          72、mcdonalds(麥當勞):every time a good time更多歡笑更多歡樂就在麥當勞——麥當勞文化的最佳詮釋。

          73、M&Ms melt in your mouth, not in your hand.(M&Ms)只溶在口,不溶在手。(M&M巧克力)

          74、Time always follows me.(Rossini)時間因我存在。(羅西尼表)

          75、Buick—your key to a better life and a better world.(Buick)別克—通往美好生活的秘訣。(別克)

          76、To be true forever.(Haier)真誠到永遠。

          77、NBA, where amazing happens. NBA奇跡發生的地方。

          78、Time is what you make of it.(Swatch)天長地久。(斯沃琪)

          79、The sign of excellence.(Omega)凝聚典雅。(歐米茄)

          80、The next payday more? Pay - day nut chocolate

          81、It is not just a sweet nestle chocolate

          82、Let the life more taste! Nestle chocolate

          83、"nestle" in your heart the nestle chocolate

          84、The British old chocolate taste beauty Britains "food companies

          85、With the front of the person you love, and the gold emperor - gold emperor chocolate

          86、To thick to alcohol, love gold emperor emperor chocolate - gold

          87、To love -- -- gold emperor chocolate

          88、Milk fragrance thick, as silk feeling, dove chocolate

          89、At heart, cheerful silky, pleasure anytime and anywhere, enjoy the pleasure anytime and anywhere with heart - dove chocolate

          90、Discover new dove more silky feel more pleasant surprise - dove chocolate

          91、Did you get your happiness of my life - dove chocolate

          92、Ferrero Luo Jinsha fulfill, ferrero chocolate filled Luo Jinsha chocolate

          93、Mortals irresistible, ferrero rocher chocolates

          94、Patches of mellow delicious, always healthy, Shanghai like beauty, chocolate company

          95、Will pass, in the love of beauty the thought of beauty - Shanghai thought chocolate

          96、Only deep in the mouth, insoluble in hand -- M&M s chocolate

          97、Good equipment, good material, good product natural, hsu fu chi, chocolate

          98、Cherish yourself, starting from the galler - galler chocolate

          99、Grace deep thicker -- -- diet rich chocolate

          100、This deliberately confused, the moments together seamlessly, for chocolate

          101、Just do it. 只管去做。(耐克運動鞋)

          102、Ask for more. 渴望無限。(百事流行鞋)

          103、Obey your thirst. 服從你的渴望。(雪碧)

          104、Feel the new space. 感受新境界。(三星電子)

          105、The taste is great. 味道好極了。(雀巢咖啡)

          106、Take time to indulge. 盡情享受吧!(雀巢冰激凌)

          107、The new digital era. 數碼新時代。(索尼影碟機)

          108、Connecting People.(Nokia) 科技以人為本。(諾基亞)

          109、Start ahead. (Rejoice) 成功之路,從頭開始。(飄柔)

          110、Imposle made posle.使不可能變為可能。(佳能打印機)

          111、Lets make thing btter.讓我們做得更好。(飛利浦電子)

          112、Make yourself heard. (Ericsson) 理解就是溝通。(愛立信)

          113、A Kodak Moment. (Kodak) 就在柯達一刻。(柯達相紙/膠卷)

          114、The choice of a new generation.新一代的選擇。(百事可樂)

          115、Mosquito Bye Bye Bye. (RADAR) 蚊子殺殺殺。(雷達牌驅蟲劑)

          116、We lead. Others copy.我們領先,他人仿效。(理光復印機)

          117、Time is what you make of it. (Swatch) 天長地久。(斯沃奇手表)

          118、Good to the last drop.滴滴香濃,意猶未盡。(麥斯威爾咖啡)

          119、The relentless pursuit of perfection.不懈追求完美。(凌志轎車)

          120、Intelligence everywhere.智慧演繹,無處不在。(摩托羅拉手機)

          121、Take TOSHIBA, take the world.擁有東芝,擁有世界。(東芝電子)

          122、Good to the last drop. (Maxwell) 滴滴香濃,意猶未盡。(麥氏咖啡)

          123、We integrate, you communicate.我們集大成,您超越自我。(三菱電工)

          124、A diamond lasts forever. (De Bierres) 鉆石恒久遠,一顆永流傳。(第比爾斯)

          125、MMs melt in your mouth, not in your hand.(MMs) 只溶在口,不溶在手。(MM巧克力)

          126、Things go better with Coca-Cola. (Coca-Cola) 飲可口可樂,萬事如意。(可口可樂)

          127、Come to where the flavor is. Marlboro Country.光臨風韻之境,萬寶路世界。(萬寶路香煙)

          128、No business too small, no problem too big. 沒有不做的小生意,沒有解決不了的大問題。(IBM公司)

          129、To me, the past black and white, but the future is always color.對我而言,過去平淡無奇;而未來,卻是繽紛絢爛。(軒尼詩酒)

          130、East Washington - after the well-off classic life home

          131、City Square - the city center, refined taste

          132、Forte Tsui micro-Metro - sycamore trees, fashion life

          133、4 Jiangnan Pearl Park - Extreme private residence, leading show Jiangnan; look around the Pearl Jiangzhibousu Spring, Jiangcheng four miles across the bustling

          134、Oriental Emperor Park - the city center, the quality of life circle

          135、Fang Hui Garden - what kind of ideals, there is what kind of pursuit; what kind of pursuit, there is what kind of quality; what kind of quality, there is what kind of life

          136、Paris Heights - Master of Life Volkswagen Villa

          137、Poly Garden - a harmonious life, natural comfort; camphor Yau, Suzakuyou house

          138、Green homes - room in the forest, people under the tree

          139、Yinhai Hua Ting - to extend the dream of building

          140、Flowers before the tree - spring flowers before the birds, blessing into the tree people

          141、Cambridge Spring - lead the neighborhood life, quiet enjoy the city bustling

          142、Datang Xindu - original life, very space

          143、East Lake famous home - East Lake at home

          144、Olympic Garden - athletes, living home, the highest honor of life

          145、Peninsula Heights - a few peoples mansion, the dream of all

          146、heaven and earth - heaven and earth, the scenery people

          147、Bauhinia Garden - Hong Kong Road administrative level model community

          148、Lucky International - wishful life, with me free

          149、South of the new home - listen to the south story to see the new home south

          150、Huacheng Xindu - enjoy the tranquility of urban prosperity, highlighting the dignity of life calm

          151、Century home - actuarial experts, fine life

          152、My youth I call the shots, my card brand I am elegant.

          153、Cardamom time, because of you.

          154、Put on her, elegant is no longer a dream.

          155、Europe and the United States the wind with the young and stylish.

          156、Kou brand fashion, "clothing" see love.

          157、Womens choice lies in the self.

          158、Cardamom clothing, grace graceful.

          159、a look back, a beautiful life.

          160、Iraqis, cherish your shadow.

          161、bloom style, enjoy the pursuit.

          162、Secular reliable, vulgar perfect.

          163、Sprain repeat customers, elegant all the way line.

          164、To wave, I perfect debut.

          165、Beautiful one, comfortable life.

          166、Wear Wyatt fashion, decorated elegant.

          167、Feng cited pretty, collar fashion.

          168、From this moment, to Fang Zi definition of my life.

          169、a woman, it is necessary to bloom themselves.

          170、Gentle, flawless.

          171、Young is not afraid of failure, elegant enjoy life.

          172、Christmas (New Year) Joy line, Jin Li big run

          173、Special gift to the special you

          174、A shopping mall to send gift, Christmas carnival surprises

          175、New generation, new choice!

          176、Peace is a blessing fruit color incense

          177、Christmas crazy grab clothing Competition

          178、Gorgeous Christmas Rhapsody song, to celebrate the New Year gift

          179、Mobile phone, Christmas gift

          180、Christmas gifts every day to send

          181、Green tea over the New Year, health with life.

          182、Christmas, send joy

          183、mad storm purchase, Christmas New Years Day pre-emptive

          184、You had green tea when you were in the New Year.

          185、Four Seas Xiangyun blessing to the New Year to send non-stop Hao Li

          186、Let yourself become the eyes of others in the landscape.

          187、Beautiful youth, elegant bloom.

          188、Once you have, you are the queen.

          189、Ya You fashion, the United States unusual.

          190、Beautiful life, I call the shots.

          191、Build your own elegance.

          192、Young woman, elegant is the vesting.

          193、taste of fashion, my first "clothing" option.

          194、Fashion brand, the only "clothing" option.

          195、Cardamom Iraqis, in the water side.

          196、Beautiful Carnival, fashion music to share.

          197、Through time and space, customs million.

          198、I type I chic, because she touched her.

          199、clothing elegance, through the elegant.

          200、"Xin" fashion, "heart" elegant.

          201、Let you decorate someone elses dream.

          202、elegant as the wind, beautiful flower.

          203、youth swaying, Lai Sang grace.

          204、To keep Kou Dounianhua, in fact, very simple.

          205、Cardamom of China, the image of choice.

          206、Time for my existence --- Rossini

          207、The United States is the brilliant color of the truth --- the real benefit

          208、Wise Men Qianmang --- Tudor

          209、With the time - Seiko

          210、To hear, to listen, to share, to care --- Raymond

          211、Citizen watches and clocks leading the new trend, the world famous quartz technology --- Citizen

          212、Advanced quartz technology, accurate minutes and seconds is not bad --- plum table

          213、Once owned, nothing to do --- Rolex watches

          214、true feelings, always lingering --- according to wave table

          215、not only with a long side, or family tradition - Patek Philippe

          216、Dedication, demonstrate excellence --- Montblanc

          217、Elegant attitude, really my personality --- Longines

          218、do not care about forever, only care about once - when the iron table

          219、Excellence logo - Omega

          220、Love in every minute and second --- HERMES Hermes

          221、Witness history, grasp the future --- Omega

          222、"Chloe" live elegant more youth.

          223、The green, green Peugeot.

          224、My youth I make decision, my Chloe brand elegance.

          225、The green, because have you.

          226、Put on her grace is no longer a dream.

          227、The European and American wind let young and fashionable collocation.

          228、Coach brand fashion, "clothing see love."

          229、The choice of a woman lies in the self.

          230、Nutmeg costumes, attractive.Looking back at 10. A beautiful life.

          231、Iraqis, cherish you.

          232、Blossom amorous feelings, enjoy.

          233、Common reliable, vulgar and perfect.

          234、A sprained back, elegant line all the way.

          235、To tide, I perfect.

          236、A beautiful, comfortable life.

          237、Wear fashion, act the role of grace.

          238、Chicken handsome, collar fashion.

          239、Noble, no end. Peak, from entry. -------- Land Rover - Range Rover advertising slogan

          240、Open up, not the provision of areas. New Audi A8L advertising language

          241、Life results, your share. ------ Volvo advertising language

          242、Sitting on luxury, fearless world. - Volvo XC90 advertising language

          243、For your outstanding achievements. ------- Camry advertising slogan

          244、Camry Camry, where the realm. -------- Camry advertising slogan

          245、Buick car: aiming a thousand miles.

          246、Mercedes - run: the driving force of human energy.

          247、Toyota: dynamic poetry, dance to me.

          248、Mitsubishi Motors: not all cars have the same moral character.

          249、Buick: Buick - the secret to a better life.

          250、Isuzu: Our wheels are constantly turning

          251、Mazda: the harmony of style and performance makes the new Mazda 6 different. Quality is the core of Mazda.

          252、Audi A4: We basically do not have to say that the new Audi A4 similar cars in the best. There is no need for this

          253、Honda: Hong Chong Avenue.

          254、Chevrolet: The future, come for me.

          255、NISSAN car: life is a trip, I wish you a happy journey

          256、NISSAN: Change the future

          257、Lexus: relentless seek perfection.

          258、good to the last drop. 滴滴香濃,意猶未盡。(麥斯威爾咖啡)

          259、obey your thirst. 服從你的渴望。(雪碧)

          260、the new digital era. 數碼新時代。(索尼影碟機)

          261、we lead. others copy. 我們領先,他人仿效。(理光復印機)

          262、impossible made possible. 使不可能變為可能。(佳能打印機)

          263、take time to indulge. 盡情享受吧。ㄈ赋脖ち瑁

          264、the relentless pursuit of perfection. 不懈追求完美。 (凌志轎車)

          265、just do it. 只管去做。(耐克運動鞋)

          266、ask for more. 渴望無限。(百事流行鞋)

          267、the taste is great. 味道好極了。(雀巢咖啡)

          268、feel the new space. 感受新境界。(三星電子)

          269、intelligence everywhere. 智慧演繹,無處不在。(摩托羅拉手機)

          270、the choice of a new generation. 新一代的選擇。(百事可樂)












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