1.嫂子~~~Elder brothers wife~~~、
2.餓錯了,呃真滴錯咧,餓從一開始就錯列~當初餓就不該嫁過來,如(宇訊名言 www.yuxun.net)果不嫁過來餓的夫君就不會死,餓的'夫君不會死,餓 就不會淪落到這么一個傷心的地方Im wrong, Im really wrong, Im wrong from the beginning. I shouldnt married here, if I didnt marry here my husband will never die. If my husband didnt die, Ill never in this heartrending place now。
3.各回各家,各找各媽 Go back home, and find your mom。
4.子曾經曰過 A sage said that... 或者是 Confucius said that...
5.姓嘛?叫嘛?打哪來?往哪去?家里幾口人?人均幾畝地?地里幾頭牛?說說說。。。 Whats you name? Whats you first name? Where are you from? Where are you going? How many people are there in you house? How many units of cropland per person has? How many cattles in the cropland? Answer! Answer it!
6.我看好你喲~ I really think youre nice~~~~
7.幫我照顧好我七舅姥爺和他的三外甥女 Help me to take care of my seventh uncle and his third niece
8.額服了you,額尊敬you,額的內心崇拜you I admire you, I respect you, I really adore you。
9.額滴神啊! Oh my god!(OMG)
10.葵花點穴手 Sunflower point points hand (注明:第一個point是 點到、指到 的意思、第二個 points 是穴位的意思)
11.放著我來 Wait! Ill do it!
12.老虎不發威,你當我是HELLO KITTY Tiger doesnt get angry, you think its HELLO KITTY
13.親娘哎! Oh my mom!
14.排山倒海 Remove Mountains