1. We don't know how she got out of her room. It's as if she evaporated, straight through the walls.
2. All I know is it's a mental hospital.
3. 我相信現實生活中那些行為過激、怪異的人,多半都是收到過嚴重心靈創傷的'人。
4. 你知道什么是最糟糕的嗎?是死像怪物一樣活著還是像個好人一樣死去?” Which would be worse? To live as a monster or to die as a good man.
5. 我相信現實生活中那些行為過激、怪異的人,多半都是收到過嚴重心靈創傷的人。
6. 要接受事實受著良心譴責的茍活?還是,在永恒的美夢中死去?
7. Don't you get it? You're a rat in a maze.
8. You'll never leave this island.