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      2. 初中英語作文:First day at work

        時間:2021-09-27 12:36:32 初中作文 我要投稿

        初中英語作文:First day at work

          在平平淡淡的日常中,許多人都寫過作文吧,作文是人們把記憶中所存儲的有關(guān)知識、經(jīng)驗和思想用書面形式表達出來的'記敘方式。作文的注意事項有許多,你確定會寫嗎?下面是小編幫大家整理的初中英語作文:First day at work,希望對大家有所幫助。

        初中英語作文:First day at work

          First day at workAt 6:30 in the morning, the electronic clock woke me up from my sleep. I got up in a hurry to wash, and then I ate the breakfast prepared by the robot for me. After eating the breakfast, I put on the clothes that can adjust the temperature like the air conditioner, and then I went to work in the driverless car.On the road, I saw the lush trees fast back; all kinds of environment-friendly cars shuttle back and forth; the glass curtain walls of high-rise buildings on both sides of the street, shining in the sun.The car drove directly into the underground parking lot of my research institute building. I stepped out of the car, entered the elevator, and soon arrived at my office on the 20th floor."Good morning, sir!" as soon as I entered the office, Mary the robot said hello to me and sent me my work plan for today. I turned on my computer and began to work. Two hours later, Mary reminded me that it was time to rest and brought me a cup of coffee. As I was drinking coffee, I continued to look at the computer screen. The numbers displayed on the computer showed that my work was very effective and I was very satisfied with my work.Soon, the day's work was over. After dinner, I got on the driverless car, went to the gym, put on my boxing suit, put on my boxing gloves, and boxed with the robot Tyson, so that I could relax after a day's hard work.This is my first day at work.

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          1. <rp id="zsypk"></rp>