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      2. 合肥導(dǎo)游詞英語作文

        時(shí)間:2021-07-21 13:25:30 其他類英語作文 我要投稿





          Hello, ladies and gentlemen!

          Welcome to Swan Lake Park in Dongying. My name is_________ I sincerely hopethat my work will bring you comfort and pleasure. Thank you!

          Swan Lake Park is located in Guangnan reservoir, the largest artificialplain reservoir in Asia, with a total water area of 63 square kilometers and astorage capacity of 114 million cubic meters. Founded in 1983, it was originallya water reserve reservoir built by Shengli Oilfield to overcome the "watershortage" caused by the long-term disconnection of the Yellow River. In the pastdecade, with the unified balance and effective allocation of water resources ofthe Yellow River by the state, its water resources reserve function hasgradually disappeared, and has gradually become a leisure Holy Garden andentertainment paradise in the Yellow River Delta. Especially in recent years,with the requirements of the development of national tourism industrialization,Shengli Oilfield has gradually increased its investment in reservoir tourism. Ithas built a large characteristic water park integrating leisure, entertainment,vacation and catering, which is known as the "Pearl of oil city".

          Since the park was put into operation, the oil workers have attached greatimportance to its "big water surface" geographical advantages, fully exploitedits "wetland" climate characteristics, and worked hard to do a good job inenvironmental protection, which has made the park the best choice for all kindsof rare birds and animals to inhabit and breed. Especially in the late autumnand before summer every year, there are many swans and black gulls here,presenting a moving picture of birds all day long, which attracts many birdlovers from inside and outside the province to watch and take photos. Therefore,people like to call it "Swan Lake Park". 20___ Swan Lake Park was promoted tothe national AAA level tourist attraction.

          Now please visit the main gate of the park - the west gate. "Swan LakePark" was mentioned by former Defense Minister General Zhang Aiping. It is saidthat after learning that there was such a beautiful Pearl Park in the coastalliberated area in those years, Minister Zhang was very happy. I really praisethe intelligence and diligence of the oil workers.

          In front is the first scenic spot of the park - Sun Moon Mountain. Before Igo to Riyueshan, I will tell you a true story: 20___ Before 1999, there were notmany swans in the park, but why there were more? This is because in the winterof 1999, the girls in Swan Lake Park carefully rescued an injured swan. Thegirls took turns on duty and set up a "special ward" similar to the wild for theswan. Later, when the Swan got better, the girls were not willing to let it go,so they tied two silk scarves on the swan's legs and let it fly. After that, theSwan flew away and never came back. 20___ In the winter of, there were thousandsof swans in the lake, and they were very friendly to people. Even if they were20 meters away, they didn't fly. People were surprised. One day, a swan flew tothe original "special ward", and the girls found that it was a special "girl"with red scarves on her legs

          OK, the sun moon mountain is here. Please come to Shanbei first. Look atthe statue of Li Bing and his son. In front of them is a panoramic miniature ofDujiangyan in Chengdu. It is said that when the Swan Lake was built, the oilworkers decided to take Dujiangyan as an example and finally develop it into abeautiful paradise for the benefit of the Yellow River Delta.

          Let's look at the sculpture of "Swan girl and beautiful lion". It is saidthat this is to commemorate Lord Liu Tang and a group of beautiful swan girlsduring the reign of Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty. Originally, because ofthe flood of the Yellow River year after year, the poor people in the delta areawere unable to make a living. Liu Tang, who had been laid off at home,accompanied his milkman to come here to educate them. After the death of MasterLiu, a group of unidentified beautiful girls took over the work of Master Liu.Until they were educated to the common people at night, and Dongying had its own"Scholar", the girls quietly left No one knows where it is going. Later, peoplerealized that it was master Liu and his disciples and this group of beautifulgirls who gave us civilization and Yingwu. Let's cherish our memory forever withour sincere sculpture. After the Swan Lake Park was put into operation, the oilworkers invited the "Swan girl and beautiful lion" sculpture, which representsYingwu and civilization, into the park. It is said that if every couple in loveattach their ears to the sculpture and hear the beautiful song of the swan, theywill have a sweet love forever. If you don't believe it, try it!

          Let's have a look at the sun and moon in Shandong. This is our Stone Forestin Guangnan. It has both the spirit of horse and the simple connotation. It cannot only experience Cao Cao's heroic view of the sea from the sea exploringstone, but also produce the constant homesickness from sitting in the moonwatching pavilion or on the sun watching stone. Would you like to have aseat?

          Sun Moon Mountain South. Shanxi is our Xiaoming lake, similar to the basicstructure of Jinan Daming Lake. But, please note that I am. We have not only theunique Shanglin, but also one of the most famous Turkish cotton stones in China.Please take a picture.


          In Hefei, Anhui Province, which is known as the "hometown of the ThreeKingdoms and the hometown of Baogong", a Three Kingdoms new town Heritage Parkwith Han Dynasty architectural style has been initially built and completed inthe 20th century___ It began to open to the outside world during the NationalDay in. The new town site of the Three Kingdoms is a key cultural relicprotection unit in Anhui Province. It is a well preserved cultural heritage ofthe Three Kingdoms with great historical value and military research value inAnhui Province and even in the whole country. Since 1995, Hefei city has builtthe Three Kingdoms new City Heritage Park on the basis of the original threekingdoms new city heritage. After construction, the Three Kingdoms new CityHeritage Park will be displayed in front of people, with a total investment of52.76 million yuan and an area of 530 mu, which is adjacent to Feishui old roadin the south, Jiming mountain and jiangjunling in the west, and sanzigang ParkRoad in Luyang District, Hefei City, 8 km away from Hehuai highway in theEast.

          According to the master plan, the main scenic spots include the culturalrelics exhibition hall of the new city, the east gate, the rammed earth trainingcommand platform, the weapon casting kiln site, the Yinma pool, the time tunnel,the zhoushiwu, the sculpture square, the stone carving square, etc. The new citysite reserve has restored the original appearance of the ancient city wall andgate, and has carried out protective construction on the archaeological sitessuch as kilns and barracks. If you want to see the original scenery of the newcity of the Three Kingdoms, you can't miss this scenic spot.

          The archaeological excavation of the new town site of the Three Kingdomswas carried out in 20 years___ The excavation of a large number of iron weapons,the stone used to defend the city, the command post for training soldiers in thecity, the workshops for casting weapons and the residences of Wei soldiers willgive us a clear impression of this military castle in the Three Kingdoms era.This year, the Three Kingdoms Ruins Park wireless network coverage project putinto operation, officially realizing full wireless network coverage. The parkhas set up 21 signal transmitting base stations in its entrance and exit,parking lot, gate and que, jintanghutai, cultural relics exhibition hall, Juxianhall, manchong thatched cottage, zhoushiwu, training command console, tunbingcamp site, weapon casting kiln site and other scenic spots as well as touristrest spots. After entering the scenic area, visitors can turn on the WiFifunction on mobile terminals such as mobile phones, laptops or tablet computersto connect to the wireless network without password. 20___ From September 26 toOctober 31, the Three Kingdoms Cultural Festival will be held in the ThreeKingdoms Heritage Park.

          Performance programs include opening ceremony performance, Three KingdomsTheme sitcom, Three Kingdoms character reality show, etc.; interactive programsinclude horse riding garden, children's Carnival and other game activities;exhibition projects mainly consist of National Day flower show, Three Kingdomsfilm and television show, Three Kingdoms Cultural Relics painting andcalligraphy exhibition, intangible cultural heritage project exhibition, etc;The competition programs are three kingdoms CS competition, mobile phone microphotography competition and "Three Kingdoms kill" game competition. According tothe chronicles of the Three Kingdoms, general man Chong of Wei Guozheng Eastvisited emperor Cao Rui twice, and proposed to build a new city in the west ofHefei to garrison troops against Sun Wu.

          After the completion of the new city, Sun Wu's army arrived at the foot ofHefei city from Chaohu, and had to travel another 30 miles to reach the newcity. In this way, the advantage of Wu's water army could not be brought intofull play, and it was more difficult to replenish military supplies, which madeCao Wei gain a lot of opportunities. The Cao Wei Dynasty can be directlyconnected to Shouchun along the Wabu river system, which is convenient for watertransportation and conducive to improving combat effectiveness. Hefei new citywas built in 233, the first year of Qinglong. In 233, 234 and 253, Sun Wubesieged many times and all of them were defeated. After more than 1770 years ofwind and rain erosion and great changes, we can still clearly see the style ofthis military Castle during the Three Kingdoms period. Before the constructionof the Three Kingdoms new town Heritage Park, it can be said that the Qin bricksand Han tiles can be picked up, which is one of the most complete three kingdomssites preserved in Anhui Province and even in the whole country. Byprotecting

          The original appearance of the ancient city wall and the east gate of HefeiThree Kingdoms new city site is restored in a park. The protective constructionand display of the weapons casting kiln site, the training command platform, thehorse drinking pool, the Che Ma Road and other sites excavated by Archaeology inthe new city reflect the original style of Hefei Three Kingdoms new city. WatchHuaiyang (large sculpture) - it reproduces the heroic image of general man Chongand general Zhang Ying defending Hefei new city against Sun Wu in the period ofCao Rui, Emperor Ming of Wei Dynasty. Huaiyang refers to the fact that Hefeibelonged to Huainan county and Yangzhou in the Three Kingdoms period, reflectingthe important military role of Hefei New City in defending Huainan County,Yangzhou and even the state of Wei. Park Gate Square -- park gate square coversan area of 20 square meters___ Square meters, the main gate is 14.6 meters high,and the pavilions and corridors form a group of magnificent imitative Hanarchitectural complex.

          The upper part of the gate adopts brick carving technology to depict theHan beast and rosefinch. On both sides of the gate are red sandstone reliefwalls, which show the images of the monarchs and main officers and soldiers ofWei and Wu, and reproduce the architectural art and historical culture of theHan Dynasty. Stone square -- through the magnificent poems of Cao Cao, Cao Piand Cao Rui, the author fully shows his literary talent and personal charm. Newcity garrison (large sculpture) - it shows the heroic image of general WeiZhengdong's man Chong defending Hefei new city. The "land of dragon and tiger"seals on both sides of the sculpture reflect the military strategic position ofHefei New City in the state of Wei.

          The time tunnel of the former stronghold of Cao Wei -- the time tunnel hasthe plaque of "the former stronghold of Cao Wei" in the north and "garrisonremains" in the south, which means that one is to return to the Three Kingdomsperiod through this time tunnel in the 21st century, and the other is that wehave entered Hefei New City, the land of the military castle of the ThreeKingdoms period. Through the permeability of glass, we can truly see theprofiles of different soil layers of the Three Kingdoms rammed walls. Thecultural relics exhibition hall, covering an area of 1400 square meters, is aHan style building. It displays nearly 100 cultural relics in four categories,including Qin bricks and Han tiles, tools, weapons and living utensils unearthedfrom the site of Hefei new city. With lighting, film and television effects, itshows the war scenes and military life to tourists, so that they can have acomplete understanding of the rise and fall history of this military castle inHefei new city.


          Ladies and gentlemen

          I'm a tour guide from Anhui travel agency. My name is Wang Ping, threehorizontal and one vertical. You can call me Xiao Wang or Wang Dao. The driversitting next to us is master Wang, who has many years of driving experience

          I'm an old driver, so you can rest assured when you take his car! Intoday's journey, if you have any problems, you can put forward them to us, andwe will try our best to solve them for you.

          Next, I'm going to show you a classic red tourism scenic spot --- thememorial hall of the former site of the New Fourth Army. Before visiting, let metell you about the memorial hall of the former site of the New Fourth Army.

          The memorial hall of the former site of the New Fourth Army headquarters islocated in Luoli village, Yunling Township, 24 kilometers away from Jing County,Anhui Province. After the July 7th incident in 1937, the Red Army guerrillas in14 areas of eight southern provinces were reorganized into the New Fourth Armyof the National Revolutionary Army (NRA). On December 25 of the same year, theheadquarters of the New Fourth Army was established in Wuhan, and enteredYunling on August 2, 1938, until the "Southern Anhui Incident" in January 1941.During the past three years when the military headquarters was in Yunling, itwas a critical period for the New Fourth Army to develop behind the enemy linesin China. Under the leadership of Ye Ting and Xiang Ying, the officers and menof the New Fourth Army were active in the north and south of the river, bravelyresisting the enemy and creating many anti Japanese base areas. As the NewFourth Army headquarters in this period, it made great contributions to theChinese revolution and left a glorious page in the history of Chineserevolution. The former site of the military headquarters of the New Fourth Armywas left when the military headquarters of the New Fourth Army was stationed inYunling.

          The former sites of the memorial hall are: headquarters of the militaryheadquarters, Great Hall of the military headquarters, repair facility,political department, training team, field service group, Southeast Bureau ofthe CPC Central Committee, martyr's tomb, yetingqiao and other 10 sites. Inaddition, Yunling stele garden, yeting Bronze Statue Square, auxiliaryexhibition, special exhibition and other facilities are added. There are morethan 4000 precious pictures, cultural relics and materials in the museum.Combined with restoration display and auxiliary display, the great achievementsof the proletarian revolutionaries of the old generation in the New Fourth Armyand the tragic page of the "South Anhui Incident" that shocked China and foreigncountries are reproduced in different forms.

          Members of the group, please follow me to step into this sacred redterritory. Let's learn about this period of history. I hope today's visit willleave you a beautiful and deep memory. Now we are going to visit the memorialhall for the reconstruction of the headquarters of the New Fourth Army. As weall know, in the great Anti Japanese War of the Chinese people, there was anarmy called the Iron Army, which was the New Fourth Army. Under the leadershipof the Communist Party of China, the New Fourth Army, from 1937 to 1945, underextremely difficult conditions, established an anti Japanese Democratic baseacross five provinces including eight strategic areas, formed a strategicsituation echoing the north and south of the Eighth Route Army in North China,and made great contributions to the victory of the Chinese people's AntiJapanese War and the world anti fascist war. In order to remember the greatachievements of the New Fourth Army in adhering to the Anti Japanese war inCentral China, carry forward the glorious tradition of our party and our army,and extensively carry out patriotism education, a memorial hall for thereconstruction of the New Fourth Army headquarters was established in October1986 in Yancheng, the site of the reconstruction of the New Fourth Armyheadquarters. The memorial hall covers an area of about 70 mu. Now, you havecome to the memorial hall of the New Fourth Army. This is the memorial square.Two groups of high relief group images stand on the East and west sides of thesquare

          Now we come to Zhongmo garden, which was originally a landlord's house. Itwas built in the late Qing Dynasty. It was composed of three rooms, 47 rooms anda garden, presenting a ship shape as a whole. Military commander Ye Ting, deputychief of staff Zhou zikun and other new fourth army generals and internationalfriends Smedley and musician Ren GUANG all lived and worked here. In the springof 1939, when Comrade Zhou Enlai inspected the headquarters of the New FourthArmy, he stayed in the office of commander Ye Ting.

          Ye Ting is not only a famous militarist, but also a scholar. In addition,he is also a photography artist with profound attainments. During his militaryexpeditions, comrade Ye Ting took many works. There is also the darkroom he setup to develop photos. The "photo exhibition of general Ye Ting" and "photoexhibition of general Ye Ting's life" are rare historical materials in thehistory of the New Fourth Army. Most of his photographs were taken in southernAnhui during his tenure as commander of the New Fourth Army. The works ondisplay are donated by Ye Ting's second son on behalf of his family.

          Then we go to dafudi, which was built in the late Qing Dynasty. There are64 rooms upstairs and downstairs, and more than 10 courtyards, gatehouses andfoot rooms. Deputy commander Xiang Ying lives and works on the ground floor ofthe building. The staff office is located in this hall, where staff workingmeetings have been held. In May 1998, on the occasion of the 100th anniversaryof Comrade Xiang Ying's birth, "the exhibition of pictures of Comrade XiangYing's life" was officially displayed to let the audience know about ComradeXiang Ying's revolutionary life.

          Next we come to the Great Hall of the military headquarters. Come with me.The former site of the Great Hall of the military headquarters of the New FourthArmy is also the site of the exhibition hall of the former site of the militaryheadquarters of the New Fourth Army. It was originally the "Chen Clan ancestralhall" in Yunling and was built in the seventh year of the reign of EmperorKangxi of the Qing Dynasty (1468 AD). It is one of the two largest ancestralhalls in Jing County. On August 2, 1938, the headquarters of the new fourth armymoved to Yunling, which is the Great Hall of the headquarters of the New FourthArmy. It is the main place for the military headquarters to hold large-scaleconferences, carry out cultural and recreational activities, hold military andcivilian gatherings and hold booty exhibitions. In the spring of 1939, ZhouEnlai made an important report here to the commanders and fighters of the NewFourth Army. The new exhibition of New Fourth Army in southern Anhui is thelatest development of Chen's ancestral hall. The exhibition is 20 years old___It won the national top ten fine display awards in.

          Our journey is coming to an end. Xiao Wang also wants to say goodbye toyou. There's nothing to give you at the time of parting. Just give you fourwords. First of all, the first word is fate, the fate of fate, as the sayinggoes, "one hundred years of rest on the same boat" and everyone's co-existenceis "one hundred years of rest on the same car"! The next word is to forgive theoriginal, in the past few days, Xiao Wang has not done well enough, I hope youwill forgive me a lot and say sorry here. The last word is the source, thesource of money. I wish you a continuous source of money like the Xin'an River.I also wish you good health, good work, good mood, good today, good tomorrow,even better, give a little applause.












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