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      2. 初中英語作文: 二十年后的我

        時(shí)間:2021-12-29 13:50:21 其他類英語作文 我要投稿

        初中英語作文: 二十年后的我

          在我們平凡的日常里,大家都寫過作文吧,作文要求篇章結(jié)構(gòu)完整,一定要避免無結(jié)尾作文的出現(xiàn)。相信寫作文是一個(gè)讓許多人都頭痛的問題,以下是小編收集整理的.初中英語作文: 二十年后的我,歡迎閱讀與收藏。

        初中英語作文: 二十年后的我

          In the blink of an eye, I have been 20xx. I have been 29 years old. I have become a scientist on Mars.

          In the morning, get up, smart electric robot alarm clock, I climbed from bed , Put on air cushion shoes, simply made some preparations, and went to my studio.

          Yesterday, a hospital made me make a bottle of regeneration water. Its role is to reach the part of the disabled person.

          I called the robot assistant Xiaoyue, let it find a lot of cockroaches. In a short while, Xiaoyue took it, I extracted the material regenerated in every, put the test tube, the bacteria u0026 middot; u0026 middot; u0026 middot; u0026 midd 2; u0026 middot; u0026 midd dot;

          I took a breath, put these substances into a small bottle, and the research and development of regenerative drugs did not know.

          Next, I used the same way to make several bottles, one week, I sent the hospital.

          I sat on the spaceship, less than a minute, I went to the home of 400 kilometers. Just want to take a break, Zhou Professor used the electronic screen to answer the phone, let me have to do an experiment in the past.

          In his laboratory, I know that he is going to develop a growth agent, but how to shrink the agent, but if it is also developed, so I will find me to help.

          I started to work on work u0026 midd 2; u0026 middot; u0026 midd 2; u0026 middot; u0026 middot; u0026 middot;

          u0026 ‘ Kung Fu payables Through a month of hard work, I, Xiaoyue and Zhou professor finally develop the shrinkage agent.

          I dragged the tired body, back home, I plan to adjust my own u0026 middot; u0026 middot; u0026 middot; u0026 middot; u0026 middot; u0026 middot;

          I must be one after another Excellent scientist.

          Langui Experimental Primary School Fourth Grade Class Wang Jiaqi

        【初中英語作文: 二十年后的我】相關(guān)文章:










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